
It is winter in my heart
Icy gales blow through my chest
Tearing me apart
Leaving me to my demons' behest

Shrouded in an opaque veil
The fog falls on my soul
It brings along whispers of a tale
Alas! It only makes my soul wail

My breaths, lost
For my lungs are coated in frost
I heave time and again
And each inhalation spikes the pain

The snow falls and blankets
My memories, it covets
Pearly white and shiny
Frozen underneath, blue me


This enslaved heart
With all of its beats unheard

Like the silence of a caged bird
With its vocals torn apart

To break that cage of solitude
Seeking riddance from this servitude

Alas! An impasse!
As the heart is the servant of a lass

And when it comes to freedom
The heart has not that wisdom


Too many words were put to paper
In your name, my only lover
I tried detox over the summer,
Yet in November, there you were

Once more a beggar,for a little love
You're what dreams are made of
Castles in clouds, I keep on building
Desperate, I keep on clinging

To that twisted something of a bond
Hoping you will someday respond
Believe in me, this is no facade
Don't take my feelings for a masquerade

The few memories I have of you
Made my dreams and sanity go askew
No false hopes, I just put those in my head
Or was every part of me being read?

More than these words I've expressed
How to tell you this, without seeming obsessed?
Do you feel the same? I guess I'll never know
Yet I'll try asking you next time we say Hello

For I am but hungry a slave
And you are my only crave