
Barrier breached
And milestone reached
Slow and easy we go
Enjoying Life's gentle to and fro

Why strife for the scythe
When there's no way out?
Might as well faff about
And be blessedly blithe

Maybe just an exiled's excuses
Or a finger to the Universes
Stung or sung, the double tongue
Now too old to die young

Thirty could be alchemic
Or maybe just Torschlusspanik


And what will you do,
When the going gets tough;
When life's seas get rough;
When the threat of Death
Or worse befalls you?

Who will you blame?
Without any shame
Anything, anyone, but you.
Fate & circumstances,
Family and acquaintances, 

God, Satan, and their minions
Excuses in the millions
Just not to stare in that mirror
Oh the lies, the horror!
To even remotely consider

That you're in error
To realise... you're a sinner.