
Lady in her fortress
Hiding a pulsating abscess

Voiceless squirming corpses 
Sewn in the pleats of her dresses

Rabid souls shrieking
Wrung in her kohl, they sing

A lament from beyond
Her lips betraying all she conned

Seeping from her lashes blonde
Tears from the bottomless pond

And down from her perfect neck
The bourgeois's triple sec

Bitten, pecked and licked by many 
Her sternum nestling the skeleton key

Further down her navel
Felled many an angel

Oh, but she's deaf
Oblivious to Seth

Stealing her every breath
As she gets closer to Death

No barriers left to transgress
No more murders to acquiesce

Time to profess
She's a harpy, not a goddess


Whims of a passion
Turned to desolation

A heart mangled
Feelings dismantled

Tragedy of an emotion
Prey to its worst mutation

Roaring, yet wrangled
Every single bitch trampled

In transmogrification
It reached damnation

Gaining a new trait
The heart learnt Hate


Write of the World
Of morality blurred

Of taxes, debt and financial turd
Of education, now a hollow word

Of war, feeding media
Articles and news inciting paranoia

Ignorance engendering hate
Hate catalysing crime

None willing to wait
Such is our time

The time of Mammon's creed
Money, things and Greed

One can ask how and why
Believe in his lie

But the only bona fide
The world's heart already died