
Clouded black with doubt
Unsure what brought it about

A heart too given
A soul too heavy

A dream too shabby
A mind too barren

What is a man
With a spirit broken?

Jaded and bled
Conned and siphoned

A forsaken path to tread
Free from all earthly bond

One famished vagabond 
Seeking the greys of the beyond


This era awaits definition
From us, the nation

Decades of racism and fascism
You can wipe it all out

With altruism and activism
That's how change comes about

Erase all the grudges
The cognitive bias, the judges

Remember to be kind
For that's how Peace is designed

Make it so that when people look back
They won't wish to be amnesiac

Make it so that they stand in ovation
As one people, in awe at the past revolution


Have a peek, a deep look
At a love held for the book

The smell of a new one
An olfactory frenzy to fan

The flipping of pages 
Gripping the readers

While they discover 
The next stages

Be it a graphic novel
Or literary debacle

All of them have souls
The reader's holy scrolls

Each one is a gospel
And I am the only apostle


Thank you

To the first one
An inspiration
For the foundation

To the one that got away
For you I silently pray
That happiness always be abay

Fuck you

To the one that broke me
For preferring the many
For your beastly cruelty

To the ones that used me
The boozy, smoky and foxy
For the snap back to reality

Bless you 

To the two who matter
My sister and mother
A gentleman's eternal ladder

And lastly The One
Second to none
Who'll finally bind this son


Let's talk about humour, the ideal armor
For things perfect, and situations abject

Such a godlike spectrum, the fulcrum
Like the wife and your sexlife

Where sometimes the droll or anecdotal
Overlaps with the situational or farcical

As Kenny's continuous deaths
We love the morbid and the blue

Like we currently do with Seth
And the dry flavour shining through

But we do miss Franklin's wit
As many try to emulate a bit

We still have Kev for the hyperbolic
And Will for the sophomoric

Both Jimmys are the masters of the parodic
While the first is a touch better in ironic

Then we have Chris with the mordant
That got everyone a bit discordant

Let's not forget about highbrow
Where we find Parker at its prow

And a last mention for good ol' slapstick
Where fake acting gives us a LOL kick

May you find the variety you need
From the shit I just made you read

Kenny = Character who dies constantly in South Park
Seth = Seth McFarlane
Franklin = Benjamin Franklin
Kev = Kevin Hart
Will = Will Ferrell
2 Jimmys = Jimmy Kimmel & Jimmy Fallon
Chris = Chris Rock
Parker = Dorothy Parker


We're all searching 
Something everlasting

I looked at Life
Its peaks and troughs

I felt Happiness 
Twas too high a key

I caressed Sadness 
Twas too low a wee

I tasted Anger
Twas too addictive

I wooed Love
Twas too punitive

So I gave in to Death
Found it constant

Made it a friend
Met a beautiful end