
Is this a cold or a flu?
Never knew the difference, it's true
Same chesty cough and the migrain
The leaky nose and the blinding pain

I need a remedy, quick and easy
Coz I am getting dizzy
And this looks like a degenerating problem
There's a medical cocktail bombarding my system
From pain relievers to antibiotics
I still think I can manage without the medics

Just when I thought I was getting better
I see looming signs of an incoming fever
Time for me to get the chills
So back on the bed, under the quilt,
In order to protect this body from the wilt

Another new symptom, the constricted throat
I don't feel I'll be able to stay afloat
And along comes the throwing up
Good thing it's not me with the mop

Tell me please
What is this disease?
Have a peek, in an artery or a vein
In my thorax, my limbs and my brain
And get rid of the pain

Ode to a Lady II

I fell for you
With the first glimpse I had
My pulse went up a tad
Seeing you, delicate as morning dew

You make my heart sway
Like the wind, the hay
You blow me away
Every moment of every day

I see that face of yours
Be my eyes open or closed
Are you a hallucination?
Or simply the deity of passion?

I love your playful gaze
And your cheeky ways
Your sight soothes and relieves
And your voice deaves

I know not if I deserve this happiness
But I'll do my very best
To make you rise from the rest
This, I promise you princess


There used to be a little boy
Always in the corner, deemed coy
Nobody knew what lay beneath
He was only a sheath

The horrors he had to witness
Cause he couldn't hide
Made him hollow inside
An empty shell with an abscess

A sinful being that kept him awake at night
The pulsing wrath, hate and spite
Squirming and screaming to be let out
Trying to make him give in, blackout

One day he could no longer take it
He had reached his limit
He gave in to the wicked voice within
Spread onto his face was an evil grin

He was no longer just a vessel
For he was now One
With the vile creature from Hell
The familiar voice from inside
The Unholy Guide