
Once again, the horn resounds
For the battlefield to be littered
With their mangled corpses and metal
Above which vultures hovered

Nicking at the pile of flesh lying around
Proud soldiers, torn from life
Brave warriors, victims of strife
Fallen to the hound

Fools with those antics, I hate
They are deserving of their fate
Lawless and heartless, we endeavor
For their era to be over

There won't be any survivor
Ruthless is our demeanor
Their defeat we'll savor
While they hope for a saviour

Our kind will rise
Turning the pages of history
Our kin will make you flee
Lest, you'll all be part of the killing spree


In matters of the heart I indulge not,
For mine was crushed and left to rot

By a Maiden who I admire
By that Lady who left me sinking in this quagmire

I cursed myself for loving her
My nemesis, the heart-slayer

Now, slumped in a corner
I'm awaiting the reaper

My wrists slashed, my limp body
I'm itching to cease to be

Noticing my reflection in the window pane
Seeing my face was blue

Like the blood running down the drain,
I was finally through!


Aimer hors de naiveté
Sans voir le reflet
Qui vous ensorcèlerait
Adorer à tout jamais
Elle qui vous a enivrés

Un coeur en fer
Et une flamme de passion
Une femme dans ce coeur
Et on ne connait plus la raison
"Mais qui a reveillé nos démons?"

Vos mémoires d'elle et vos larmes
Chaque goutte de l'averse
Est une lame qui vous transperce
Succombé à son charme
On devient sourd dans le vacarme

Aimer de tous ses sens
Jours et nuits
Mourir en silence
Un amour qui vous fuit
dont l'existence ne fût

Mais chaque jour on meurt satisfait
Sans arrière-pensée ni regret
En se disant: "Oui, j'ai aimé."

Al Capone's Lullaby

You can be the love of a punk
You, my little skunk
You're synonymous to my subutex
The haze at the apex
The ecstasy during sex

You've been my valium
That substitute of the pauper's rum
I'll keep on consuming you
Till your senses are so blurred
That your words get slurred

You're the neighbour's poppy seed
The bitch of no breed
Morphing you to cocaine and heroin
You'll satisfy my cravin'

I am what morphine is to pain
The endorphine injected in your brain
These hands, white with opium
The song of death, I hum

I am the merchant of pleasure
And you'll need me forever
For I possess all that you treasure